Southwest Elementary

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School hours:  8:15 am - 3:15 pm.  Dropoff begins at 8:00 am. No pickups after 2:00 pm.  Students return January 8th.  iReady Winter Diagnostic Tests begin January 13.
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Parents » Before and After School Progams

Before and After School Progams

Greetings from the SWES BYB Site Coordinator! We have been blessed to receive many applications for BYB this year. However, we have been limited to 40 slots for both morning and afternoon sessions. Two new criteria have been added to qualify or remain in the BYB program for the 2023-2024 school year. Criteria 1 is, in the event of more applications than slots, availability is first determined by academic need. Therefore, we will be reviewing the initial iReady diagnostic in both ELA and Math in making determinations for placement. Criteria 2 is attendance: students who are admitted to the BYB program must attend 75% of the time or they will be removed from the roster to open an available space for another student.

We currently do not have BYB buses available, so all BYB students will be car riders until further notice. All BYB students must be picked up by 5:00 pm per the BYB 2023-24 Handbook.

All applicants will be contacted on either August 10th or August 11th to let parents know if their students qualified. If your student does not qualify for the initial 40 slots, the student's name will be placed on a waiting list. In the event that a slot opens up, that student's parents will be contacted to let them know their child had been admitted.

Any questions regarding these policies may be directed toward Michelle Guthrie, BYB Coordinator for FCPS schools.Her contact information is: email [email protected]. phone: 901-465-5260 ext. 7012.

Thank you for your support!!

Mrs. Heather Holmes   SWES BYB Coordinator