School hours: 8:15 am - 3:15 pm. Dropoff begins at 8:00 am. No pickups after 2:00 pm. September 11 - Patriots Day - Wear RED, WHITE, and BLUE. DARE lesson with 5th grade. September 12 - Interim reports issued. iReady Family Night @ 5:30 pm. September 13 - Grandparents' Luncheon. Last name A-M 10: 30 - 11:30, Last name N-Z 11:45 - 12:45.
Random Acts of Kindness: COLOR your school with kindness - wear school colors (black, gold, and white)/Actos aleatorios de bondad: COLOREA tu escuela con amabilidad: usa los colores de la escuela (negro, dorado y blanco)
Random Acts of Kindness: COLOR your school with kindness - wear school colors (black, gold, and white)/Actos aleatorios de bondad: COLOREA tu escuela con amabilidad: usa los colores de la escuela (negro, dorado y blanco)